Friday, June 19, 2009

Ah... Books...

Not much has been going on in the Herndon world this last week. I had an audition last weekend that didn't pan out into anything (seems to be a trend...), Matt took a short and uneventful business trip to Kentucky for a couple days, and we've both just been working and working. A lot of my free time has been spent watching TV, listening to music, and reading. Three of my favorite activities!

One of the things being passed around on a social-networking site recently is a "Fifteen Books" note. The idea is to post a list of fifteen books that have "stuck with you" over the years. Because I love to read, I had to participate. And considering the lack of other interesting things in my life at the moment, I thought I'd put my list up here. If you haven't read some of these books, I would recommend pretty much all of them. And I'm always looking for suggestions, if you have any of your favorites in mind.

1. Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
2. Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
3. Song of the Lioness quartet by Tamora Pierce
4. Lord of the Flies by William Golding
5. Bloodsucking Fiends (and the sequel, You Suck) by Christopher Moore
6. 1984 by George Orwell
7. Wizard's First Rule by William Golding
8. My Pet Virus: The True Story of a Rebel Without a Cure by Shawn Decker
9. Uglies trilogy by Scott Westerfeld
10. Irish Trilogy by Nora Roberts (kind of embarrassing...)
11. Incarnations of Immortality series by Peirs Anthony
12. Still Life With Woodpecker by Tom Robbins
13. Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
14. Eragon by Christopher Paolini
15. Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz

The interesting thing is, I already want to change some of the books I put down. There are just too many good ones out there. But I won't because the idea is to have the first books that come to mind.

Hopefully, I'll have some eventful things to share over the next few days. But until then, I'm happy to just keep reading.

1 comment:

Toothfairy said...

memoirs of a geisha is really one of my favourite books!!! I was totally amazed by it.

You might like this book by Mark Haddon:
the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.

loved that one as well. simple story, but from another perspective and very well written.