Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Sister Had a Baby!

Today, I thought it would be fun to hang out in the hospital for a while. I'd heard there was something going on with a baby. I guess my sister had one. Whatever, I just went for the uncomfortable chairs and expensive vending machine food.

Just kidding, of course. I was thrilled to visit my sister and meet my newest neice today!

Here we are anxiously awaiting any news.

Unrelated: We ate snacks out of the vending machines. Mine got stuck, but my neice has magic tapping fingers, and she was able to tap the glass until it fell.

Then my brother-in-law showed up. A beautiful baby girl was born! After hours and hours of labor, my sister Jess did fantastic during the delivery. Chris was still a little stunned, but I think he was pretty proud, too.

The two aunts are wanting to see our new neice! This is me and Salem waiting.

And still waiting.

Finally, we got to see her! Proud Mommy. And Grandpa, and Daddy in the background. And there's the beautiful girl!

The pictures are a little dark because I didn't want to flash the poor thing's eyes. But you can get the idea.

Evelyn Lilith I got to go back later in the day so that Matt and my grandparents could see her. She's pretty exhausted at this point. After all, she's had a long day.

Me with my SIXTH neice!

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