Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Call me lazy

I'm a major procrastinator. And I occasionally get in certain moods where I just don't want to do anything.

I REALLY should be doing this right now:

Sewing costumes! My mom and I are designing for a local production of Crazy for You. We have A LOT of work to do.

Or this:

Laundry (obviously). It's clean, though. I just need to fold it.

Possibly this:

A crosstitch for my niece who was born two months ago. It's going to have her name, birthday, weight, etc. I know I need to get it done, but it's not like she will be mad if it takes a while. As long as it's on her wall by the time she's three or so, we can just tell her it's been there since she was born. She'll never know.

And I should have done this a LONG time ago:

My bathroom needs to be cleaned. It's not disgusting dirty (FYI: I recently cleaned the toilet), it's just really cluttered.

But instead, I'm doing this:

Playing online!

And this:

And watching TV! (I have no idea what that weird bubble thing is. It wasn't in the TV show. Maybe we have a ghost.)

Oh, well. Tomorrow's a new day!

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